This is guide is intended to help you on your personal journey towards a healthy life. There are some decisions you have to make and prioritizing your health is one of them. Eating the right foods will detoxify your body, eliminating mucus, reducing inflammation and restoring alkalinity. In this state, it is difficult for disease to reside in your body. If there is one thing to really understand, it is the power of nutrition as medicine. The best kept secret in medicine is that, given the right conditions (proper nutrients), the body heals itself.
In this starter guide, you’ll discover:
Why it’s important to get healthy.
Benefits of eating nutrient-dense foods
eBook: How To Transition To A Plant-Based Diet
Nutrients your body needs.
How to cleanse your body.
What to eat to optimize your health.
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Photo Credit:
Cover – Dose Juice
Produce market – Jacopo Maiarelli